Last Blog
Overall I really enjoyed blogging. I would always hear people talking about blogging and I would think to my self “what’s all the hype about”. Now that I have done it I understand. I can equate it to an online diary. If anyone has written in a diary they can understand the personal feelings an individual invests in a diary. It holds all a persons thoughts, dreams or passions about anything and everything. Blogging is a way you can express yourself and feel as if you are having a conversation with someone in cyberspace.
It wasn’t frustrating at all except for the commenting part. If I had to go somewhere for the weekend I would sometimes write my blog on Thursday or Friday. At that time virtually no one had there blog written yet so I could not comment on anyone’s blog and as everyone knows that knocks off ten points from your grade. So my suggestion would be to next time having a dead line for the blogs and then a separate deadline for the comments. This would give everyone a chance to make their comments.
I thought writing 250 words every week was going to be hard but it turns out I would always go over that amount. It was a very reasonable task. The topic matter was something I felt strongly about so it did not bother me and I wasn’t at a lack for words. I am a sucker for a cause. I have to say I would take blogging over three to four papers aside from our research paper for the class. It just flowed and it didn’t feel as if I was writing, it was more like talking. When I first started writing the blogs I treated them as if I was writing a technical paper like I was expected to do for other classes. After a while I got the hang of blogging and it became easy because it was as if I was having a discussion between me and my fellow students not just writing down facts with my opinion scattered in between in a paper.
Commenting did help especially when we had to comment about each others research papers, plus it gives a different perspective on your thoughts or confirmation of your thoughts. That is what I feel is most important about blogging, the interaction with other people. This is how it differs from a diary. A diary is only meant for your eyes, its private but bloging is meant for you and anyone who wants to read it. If it didn’t have this aspect about it people could just write in a journal or diary. Why have a blog?
I will definitely continue blogging about many other issues whether it is minor or major so keep checking out my blog. Signing off for now but catch you all later.
Overall I really enjoyed blogging. I would always hear people talking about blogging and I would think to my self “what’s all the hype about”. Now that I have done it I understand. I can equate it to an online diary. If anyone has written in a diary they can understand the personal feelings an individual invests in a diary. It holds all a persons thoughts, dreams or passions about anything and everything. Blogging is a way you can express yourself and feel as if you are having a conversation with someone in cyberspace.
It wasn’t frustrating at all except for the commenting part. If I had to go somewhere for the weekend I would sometimes write my blog on Thursday or Friday. At that time virtually no one had there blog written yet so I could not comment on anyone’s blog and as everyone knows that knocks off ten points from your grade. So my suggestion would be to next time having a dead line for the blogs and then a separate deadline for the comments. This would give everyone a chance to make their comments.
I thought writing 250 words every week was going to be hard but it turns out I would always go over that amount. It was a very reasonable task. The topic matter was something I felt strongly about so it did not bother me and I wasn’t at a lack for words. I am a sucker for a cause. I have to say I would take blogging over three to four papers aside from our research paper for the class. It just flowed and it didn’t feel as if I was writing, it was more like talking. When I first started writing the blogs I treated them as if I was writing a technical paper like I was expected to do for other classes. After a while I got the hang of blogging and it became easy because it was as if I was having a discussion between me and my fellow students not just writing down facts with my opinion scattered in between in a paper.
Commenting did help especially when we had to comment about each others research papers, plus it gives a different perspective on your thoughts or confirmation of your thoughts. That is what I feel is most important about blogging, the interaction with other people. This is how it differs from a diary. A diary is only meant for your eyes, its private but bloging is meant for you and anyone who wants to read it. If it didn’t have this aspect about it people could just write in a journal or diary. Why have a blog?
I will definitely continue blogging about many other issues whether it is minor or major so keep checking out my blog. Signing off for now but catch you all later.