I am floored by my topic
Everything that I have become aware of this semester in this class has been great but at the same time disturbing. The way human beings abuse this earth is atrocious and I can’t help to feel like a contributor at times. But for some reason when I see how corporation not only abuses the earth but also people at the same time it makes me even more frustrated.
My paper as you all know is about environmental racism and it specifically focuses on the high cases of asthma among children in Harlem that some believe to be the cause of the overload of pollution coming from the MTA’s bus depots located there. The more research I do about this issue the more and more I get disgusted. Public officials neglecting the issue, wealthy CEO’s who become richer and don’t care how and the ignorance involved with the repercussions of this environmental problem.
I come back to my senses after a while but I can’t help but to get mad. If people don’t get frustrated or mad a times they become content and compliant, so we need to get mad to get things done. On the flip side there are a lot of good people forming pro active organizations to try and stop problems like these from going on. I can’t help to wonder though what would happen if we didn’t have people who were willing to take the time and effort to dedicate themselves to causes that help other people; then what would these individuals who are suffering and can’t help themselves do? That’s why we need to spread the word so that more people could become involved.
Here is a link to an organization called WE ACT that is helping the asthma issue in Harlem, just in case you would like to find out more about this problem:
Hope everyone’s paper is going well.
Everything that I have become aware of this semester in this class has been great but at the same time disturbing. The way human beings abuse this earth is atrocious and I can’t help to feel like a contributor at times. But for some reason when I see how corporation not only abuses the earth but also people at the same time it makes me even more frustrated.
My paper as you all know is about environmental racism and it specifically focuses on the high cases of asthma among children in Harlem that some believe to be the cause of the overload of pollution coming from the MTA’s bus depots located there. The more research I do about this issue the more and more I get disgusted. Public officials neglecting the issue, wealthy CEO’s who become richer and don’t care how and the ignorance involved with the repercussions of this environmental problem.
I come back to my senses after a while but I can’t help but to get mad. If people don’t get frustrated or mad a times they become content and compliant, so we need to get mad to get things done. On the flip side there are a lot of good people forming pro active organizations to try and stop problems like these from going on. I can’t help to wonder though what would happen if we didn’t have people who were willing to take the time and effort to dedicate themselves to causes that help other people; then what would these individuals who are suffering and can’t help themselves do? That’s why we need to spread the word so that more people could become involved.
Here is a link to an organization called WE ACT that is helping the asthma issue in Harlem, just in case you would like to find out more about this problem:
Hope everyone’s paper is going well.
You know, Lisa, I think you are totally right. If we did not have people who dedicate themselves to help others, to fix the messes others make, a lot of what we consider civilization would not even exist.
And, of course, the system is set up to keep us working and buying, so we don't notice how we're being lied to and cheated... I am just hoping the good guys will eventually win.
It is sad that well into the 21st century we are still struggling with racism. It seems that we will never get rid of the remnants of colonialism and slavery. Moreover, we see the disparity between the rich and poor growing wider than ever. I don't know what awaits humanity but it does not seem to be going in the right direction.
Good Luck
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