Five Things that Obligates me to other Human Beings
1. I’m obligated to my father for his help and caring throughout my life. My obligation to my father is endless. He not only nurtured me and provided all the necessities I needed as a child he truly loves me and would give his life for mine. This is how most parents feel for their children but my father goes well beyond the call of duty. Aside from my childhood my father continued to help me in my adult life with anything that I needed assistance with. He watched my son when he was young and I needed to go to work for no cost because he would refuse to make any profit from spending time with his grandson which was a big help to me because I did not make much money. He would always be the first one there with me to care for me when I was ill or needed to go to the hospital. He even helps me study sometimes thirteen hours at a time for very difficult tests that I have had to take in college so I could perform to the best of my ability and continue to guaranty my success. He has never judged me no matter what mistakes I have made or decisions I have made in my life and he is undeniably an incredible individual who I owe my whole life to. So I absolutely feel morally obligated to this wonderful man because without him in my life I would not have been able to survive the way I have with all the help he has provided me and he taught me that all people on this earth are morally obligated to care and help one another because human being just as every living thing on this planet are precious and deserve consideration.
2. I am obligated to my husband who is an important and supportive person in my life.
I am obligated to my husband because first and for most I dedicated myself to this man for as long as I shall live. But without him I would not be able to live the lifestyle I live today while going to school and raising my children. He not only financially supports me but he supports me emotionally and without that emotional support I seriously doubt I could of gotten as far as I did with school while working and raising my children. This is an important amount of help that I could not do without and I feel forever obligated to my husband for that.
3. I am obligated to the doctors who dedicate their lives to helping develop cures to diseases, medications and treatment for illnesses so that me and the people I care for can stay healthy.
4. I am obligated to the nice man who owns the deli next store to my job for making my breakfast and delivering it to me the mornings I go to work. He is a very pleasant man who does a very sweet thing for me. Its small but it makes me happy and when I feel like I am losing faith in peoples inclination for kindness this man shows me that it still exists.
5. I am obligated to all of the people who go out there in this world and sacrifice themselves and some of their happiness to help keep this world running for their fellow man. This represents the factory workers or the retail employees who help produce my food and sell me my material products that work 14 hours a day sometimes with no
overtime money or benefits so that I could get my products quick, efficiently
and cheap. That’s nice and convenient but at what cost. This also represents police
officers who put their lives on the line to keep me safe. The people from different
countries who work to help sustain my life and lifestyle in general while they get
explioted. These are just a few examples of the work that people do and the suffering
they endure that helps me directly or indirectly. As moral human beings we all have an
obligation to our fellow men and woman of the world not just ourselves.
1. I’m obligated to my father for his help and caring throughout my life. My obligation to my father is endless. He not only nurtured me and provided all the necessities I needed as a child he truly loves me and would give his life for mine. This is how most parents feel for their children but my father goes well beyond the call of duty. Aside from my childhood my father continued to help me in my adult life with anything that I needed assistance with. He watched my son when he was young and I needed to go to work for no cost because he would refuse to make any profit from spending time with his grandson which was a big help to me because I did not make much money. He would always be the first one there with me to care for me when I was ill or needed to go to the hospital. He even helps me study sometimes thirteen hours at a time for very difficult tests that I have had to take in college so I could perform to the best of my ability and continue to guaranty my success. He has never judged me no matter what mistakes I have made or decisions I have made in my life and he is undeniably an incredible individual who I owe my whole life to. So I absolutely feel morally obligated to this wonderful man because without him in my life I would not have been able to survive the way I have with all the help he has provided me and he taught me that all people on this earth are morally obligated to care and help one another because human being just as every living thing on this planet are precious and deserve consideration.
2. I am obligated to my husband who is an important and supportive person in my life.
I am obligated to my husband because first and for most I dedicated myself to this man for as long as I shall live. But without him I would not be able to live the lifestyle I live today while going to school and raising my children. He not only financially supports me but he supports me emotionally and without that emotional support I seriously doubt I could of gotten as far as I did with school while working and raising my children. This is an important amount of help that I could not do without and I feel forever obligated to my husband for that.
3. I am obligated to the doctors who dedicate their lives to helping develop cures to diseases, medications and treatment for illnesses so that me and the people I care for can stay healthy.
4. I am obligated to the nice man who owns the deli next store to my job for making my breakfast and delivering it to me the mornings I go to work. He is a very pleasant man who does a very sweet thing for me. Its small but it makes me happy and when I feel like I am losing faith in peoples inclination for kindness this man shows me that it still exists.
5. I am obligated to all of the people who go out there in this world and sacrifice themselves and some of their happiness to help keep this world running for their fellow man. This represents the factory workers or the retail employees who help produce my food and sell me my material products that work 14 hours a day sometimes with no
overtime money or benefits so that I could get my products quick, efficiently
and cheap. That’s nice and convenient but at what cost. This also represents police
officers who put their lives on the line to keep me safe. The people from different
countries who work to help sustain my life and lifestyle in general while they get
explioted. These are just a few examples of the work that people do and the suffering
they endure that helps me directly or indirectly. As moral human beings we all have an
obligation to our fellow men and woman of the world not just ourselves.